Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Microphone Madness

Last night Grant and I celebrated a belated Christmas with Brooke, Dru and Laine.  We had such a good time catching up and watching the kids play. Laine made a purse out her gift bag (so cute) and attempted to walk in the *way too big* boots I got her.

The cutest little girl EVER.

You get her a book and she plays with a screw driver

Brooke helping Grant get the hang of things
Grant using his microphone as an Airbender weapon

Grant brought his Star Wars Storm Trooper Gun to play with (as if Laine had no toys, seriously). He found a way to utilize toddler toys while fighting the bad guys:

2 sizes too big

Laine and her purse, Grant and his gun. Nice.
It is possible for these two to actually play **Together**, although it took a little time. I think Grant secretly likes pink chairs and girls.

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