Thursday, February 24, 2011

School Picture Day

School picture day is notorious for Grant's worst. pictures. ever. I have no idea what happens when he steps in front of that camera, but it turns out ridiculous every year. Last picture day Grant was given the option to do his own hair. Good idea camera people. Let a 5 year old do his own hair. Hence, we have no fall kindergarten picture because I didn't purchase any "package". I didn't even purchase the option for the proofs, it was that bad. And, they didn't do a retake day because they were coming again in the Spring. I decided that was dumb, but having been at the YMCA for 5 1/2 years now, they have learned to let me have my opinion but do nothing with my comments. Don't get me wrong, they love me, at least I think they do, they just know that I usually have an opinion on ANYTHING that has to do with Grant and school.

When I picked him from school on picture day, this is what he looked like:

I know, I know. Fireman boot phase has started up again.

I let him choose his outfit for the picture. Seriously. I did. He's a great little dresser. It's hair styling that is the problem. I took care of that though. I styled it at home that morning and hairsprayed it to death. No way could a teacher or some ding dong photographer attempt to adjust his hair for me, thank you very much.

By the way, my little angel really is a little angel. It was confirmed at my parent teacher conference yesterday. And, I don't have to worry because writing backwards is very common at this age and I didn't need to do my usual worst case scenario thing and diagnose him with Dyslexia. ***Do they know me or what?*** Ms. Karen said Grant was a very good little boy, was right on track for his age and was quite helpful when his classmates were not listening. He takes it upon himself to get the class quited down, by yelling at them to "be quiet, Ms. Karen is waiting". He's a natural born leader. Or a bossy little turkey. Just depends on how you view it.

PS- When I spell checked this bad boy I mis-spelled Dyslexia. Maybe I should worry a little more about myself and less about 5 yr olds who write "2's and S's" backwards.

1 comment:

  1. You crack me up, Ashley! You will have to post some of his spring pics when you get them!
