Friday, July 22, 2011

Allergic Reaction, Again

So Grant woke up yesterday with a swollen lip and eyes. I looked closer and he was covered in welts the size of t-balls (how appropriate). I immediately panicked and called my boss, who was so kind as to get us into our doc asap. He looked at Grant and said what I feared he would.

He's the last antibiotic we can safely give him....since he's allergic to every other one under the sun. He gave him a mega dose of steroids (awesome, just what any 5 year old little boy needs) and told him no pool or sun for 5 days.


Give him a massive amount of meds for days on end and keep him cooped up in the house. I'm a little worried what the next week will bring.

We're onto the ENT next week for a consultation for tubes...AGAIN. I'm already nervous about it and it isn't even scheduled.

I let him have a Popsicle for breakfast. Poor little guy.
His upper lip was so swollen.

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