Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spring Break Kick Off

The Thornhill/Ehret kids are on spring break.

All of them. Aidan, Grant, Brooklyn and Jaxon.

I consider Jaxon a part of the family and Brooklyn has been staying with us as well for a few days.

Our house is overrun with kids. They run all over the house. They eat a lot of food. They make a lot of messes.

I love them, though.

And my husband who is home with them ALL DAY. I've not been able to take much time off work, but did manage the take a four day weekend this week. Judging by Stephen's demeanor when I get home, I may want to re-think that time off.....

Just kidding. I'm thrilled to spend time with everyone. Since Stephen was pooped out after only ONE day of the break, I suggested they all go to the zoo yesterday, thinking the kids would be worn out.

The kids. Clearly not wearing out.

But wait. It DID work. FYI- We have bunk beds
and this pull out couch for the boys. Instead of sleeping
on the bunk beds or even on the couch in a reasonable manner,
they sleep horizontally at the very edge right next
to each other. I'm at a loss, but isn't so sweet. Love those boys!

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