Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer time and Sandwiches

This weekend was very laid back, which was the firs time in several months I didn't have 101 things to do or places to go. And it was a good thing. Apparently it takes Grant 45 minutes to eat a sandwich. I'm so tired of him not eating what he asks for and then being hungry an hour later that I made him eat all of his sandwich.

All of it.

I must have asked him to sit still and eat one hundred and fifty times. I was so over it.

30 minutes into battle sandwich
While battle sandwich was going on, Big Grant from next door, who now has an Itouch, starting texting me  **Grant**. So while I was coaching sandwich eating, I was also going back and forth between little Grant and Big Grant. OMG......good thing I had my patient pants on, as normally I would have lost my mind.

Instead, I took them to the pool. I relaxed and they wore themselves out. Together. Without texting.

And don't even say anything about the wings.

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