Thursday, March 17, 2011

Black Eyed St. Paddy's Day

I picked up Grant from school yesterday and noticed he had a black eye. None of the teachers took me aside like they normally do when he is injured. No one seemed to know exactly what happened. So I asked Grant. He didn't readily come out with a fantastic story like he usually does. All he said was "Maya hit me".

A girl.

A girl gave Grant his first black eye. As the real story unfolded later at the dinner table, it turned out to be an accidental "blacked eye". They were playing and Maya used some "toy" to smack my little angel in the eye.  Now had this been most any other kid in his class I would have been more upset, but we've known Maya for several years now and love her (she's the one who had the gymnastics party last year when Grant pouted the whole time).

I asked him if he cried. Nope. He just put his hand over his eye and looked at her with the other one. I asked if she apologized and he said yes. No hard feelings. Makes for a good story that I can tease him about when he's older.

I tried to capture the famous eye, but my camera just isn't doing it justice:

It's the left one. His left.

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