Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Changes with Wild Boys

Our hosuehold is getting used to Stephen's new job. He is no longer working from home and is away all day.

Until after 7:00 every night.

I'm a little lost and a bit foggy. I forgot what it meant to have to do housework and laundry. And....cook.  Ughhh.

It's miserable. And exhausting.

The boys have gone bananas. Yesterday shopping at Buy For Less for a few gorceries was like boot camp. The boys were pigging back riding, running, hiding, trying to climb into the cart, trying to ride the cart, attempting to ask for EVERY SINGLE THING they saw.

I went in for chicken and veggies for dinner.

I came out without a chicken. I realized this as I was attempting to prepare dinner.

I was so tired last night I didn't even eat. I did manage to try and capture one little tiny photo of the boys being wild.

See. They're wild. Notice the blurry quality of the
photo? That's because they are constantly moving.
Noitce the lovely little stripes in the photo? Those
are my 6:30pm. Wow.

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