Monday, August 8, 2011

Urgent Care....

Yesterday we met Matt for breakfast at Jimmy's Egg. Grant didn't look well, but I didn't think much of it. I should have noticed something when he said his sausage was "too crunchy" to eat. Crunchy sausage? I figured he was doing his usual make an excuse as to why I can't something. It's usually "too spicy, hot or nasty  (we learning not to use that word, we "don't care for it" instead)".

Later that day I asked if his ears hurt and looked at me like I was an idiot. He said, Yea, both of them really hurt bad. I had no idea.  I made him his very own favorite cheese pizza for lunch hoping this would take his mind off his ears. He took one bite and said it made his stomach hurt. I told him no it didn't.

He very seriously explained to me that his throat hurt "leary, leary badly" and he couldn't eat.


This would have been helpful information this morning. It was almost 2 by this time. I immediately grabbed the flashlight and looked at his throat. It was not good. I packed him up and off to Urgent Care we went.

Double ear infections and possible strep throat. And, to add more stress, he's allergic to every antibiotic they can safely give children. He ended up with a medication that may not fight one of the strains of bacteria, but it should knock out the throat troubles. The tubes and adenoid surgery can't come fast enough. Poor little guy.

Waiting on the doctor. He NEVER lies down.

Later that night. Feeling better.

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