Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tooth Fairy Investment Options and Grocery Lessons

Grant lost another tooth. This is the second one in less than a week. He came up to me before I left for work on Monday and said, "Mom, will you please pull this tooth out?"

If you know me at all, you know loose teeth totally freak me out. I can't stand to feel them wiggle and I get goose bumps at the thought of pulling a tooth out.

But....it's Grant and I do anything for Grant. I paused, got a paper towel, gripped the heck out of the tooth, pulled quickly and it came out. And it bleed. I was horrified, internally. Grant wasn't phased a bit. He was excited and took it to school.

So the tooth fairy made yet another appearance at our house. And Grant's sweet smile has taken on a new form. He's growing up so fast. Most days I have to pull out of him how his day was and what he did at school. He does, however, still crawl up in my lap before bed time and put his arms around me and tell me how much he loves his Mommy. How I cherish those moments and love that growing little boy more as each day passes.

A quick morning shot of G after the tooth fairy came.
He wasn't quite his normal
energetic self.

My little ham. That's his tooth in the necklace
that his teacher gave him at school.

G being silly last night before his shower. He was
dancing all over the place and singing.

Saturday I got the great idea we should ALL go grocery shopping as a family. It was rainy and nothing exciting was happening, so we all packed in and headed to Walmart.

I learned a valuable lesson on Saturday. It is NOT a good idea to take a nine year old and a six year old to the grocery store. We walked in and all the boys, Stephen included, went different directions at different speeds. The boys were running, Stephen was lost in produce and I was trying to quickly get what I knew we needed. Needless to say, it was one of the fastest shopping experiences I've ever had. Amazing how energy filled boys will speed up your usual grocery store speed.

The boys before the Walmart family grocery day.

Aidan being silly

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