Friday, November 1, 2013

Project #2 of the Second Grade

The Monday note had the worst news ever.

Another project.


I do not like notices that something is due in 4 days. I need more like 2-3 weeks notice. Especially when you need supplies.

Anyway, the project was pretty simple. Grant read some mystery box book at school and the task was to use a shoebox and write three clues about a secret object in the box.

Of course, I had to ask someone at work for a box and then "help" Grant cover it in construction paper in all different colors and then "guide" him in perfectly placing his foam name on the box.

And convince him that stinky socks were not the most deisrable secret object to have in a box.

We also had to get this all done by Wednesday, because Thursday night was Halloween and we had plans to trick or treat.

So here's the final project:

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